For those unfamiliar with stone veneer and seeing it for the first time, it would probably seem inconceivable that a novice do-it-yourselfer would be able to install such a stunning and elegant home update on his or her own with very little help. One such accomplished do-it-yourselfer, a client of ours named Grant, did just that. An emergency room doctor by day, Grant decided he was going to update his old fireplace with versatile and highly customizable stone veneer. Continue reading to discover why and how with a little time, patience and energy Grant was able to rejuvenate his family room and implement his vision of a beautiful focal point that will be in keeping with this tranquil lakefront property.

Below is a picture of Grant’s original fireplace and his starting point. Grant’s former fireplace is an inviting canvas for the stone that awaits.
In this next image, you can see where grant has taken off and removed the original marblesque veneer that surrounds his original fireplace and covers the hearth. With some assistance, he frames the fireplace using 2” x 4” pieces of wood. Grant also decides to create a pocket for the fireplace mantel. This will insure a secure fit.

After the frame is in place, it is time to place a material called Durock (see below) where the stone veneer will be placed. Durock is a cement board that will speed up the installation process as it negates the use of mesh, which is commonly used to get materials, like stone, to adhere. Also note that Grant made sure to install a plate in order to create a platform from which to hang his television from as well as a place to feed his television cables through. When asked how he learned to carry out this project, Grant explained that he turned to YouTube for videos on how to install stone veneer.

Before continuing, Grant makes the smart decision of protecting his floors with tarp, which is also where he will lay out his stone. This will help give him an idea of placement prior to installation.
Halfway done. Grant has placed his hearthstones, which he was able to size properly by using a cutout. Grant selected ledge stone that was then custom colored by selecting between two samples in North Star Stone’s showroom. It is looking amazing! Ledge stone is one of North Star Stone’s most textured stones, which is evident by how natural it looks. You can see how the stone surrounds the bottom half of the mantel. This process will be completed on the top of the mantel as well.

Quite the sight to behold, Grant’s stone veneer fireplace looks beautiful. All that is needed now is to hang the television. The stone is installed perfectly and reaches to the ceiling to create a place where one’s eyes will naturally gravitate.
Four days later and Grant, a truly creative do-it-yourselfer, has completed a magnificent stone fireplace he can be proud of. Lovely!

If you would like to undertake your own stone masterpiece, we can help. Our experts are here to help provide you with the stone you need as well as the techniques to help create your own beautiful focal point. For more information contact us at info@northstarstone.biz or call 847-996-6850 for a free estimate.