Throughout the year the exterior of our home can take quite a beating. Rain, hail, ice, wind and snow are all environmental elements that can put a strain on the outside of your home. After years of this regular abuse, it is not uncommon for many homeowners to decide to repair, change and or update the exterior of their home. And as most experts will tell you, the best time to begin a home improvement project like this is in the spring, which all of us in Chicagoland know is just around the corner! Fortunately, there are some exciting options available that can completely transform the exterior of your home, like stone veneer for example. Continue reading to discover some options you may not even know existed.

Vinyl Siding
Used on many homes, vinyl siding has come a long way in terms of its strength and versatility. Many homeowners like vinyl siding because of its cost effectiveness and the color options available on the market. Easy to install and available at home improvement stores, vinyl siding is popular with do-it-yourselfers. But beware; education is a must if installing yourself. If installed incorrectly, in addition to water damage, other damage can occur to your home and you might find yourself in need of some costly repairs.

Hardie Board (cement board)
Is the aluminum siding that has graced the exterior of your home for twenty years a little beat up and let’s face it, looking a bit blah? A versatile product, Hardie Board might be just what you are looking for. Unlike aluminum siding, Hardie board is literally quite hardy. Known for its strength, Hardie board comes in a variety of colors and has been engineered to withstand even the harshest of weather. Hardie board also comes in a plethora of widths and textures, so customizing the look of your home is going to be fun and easy. Better still, Hardie board is a cost effective product and has been a top choice for millions of homeowners. If Hardie board sounds like the right option for you, why not consider pairing it with stone veneer? This beautiful combination will make your home look elegant, refined and distinguished.

Wood Siding
Often offering a homey, country feel, wood siding is also a viable option and has been a choice for many homeowners. Wood siding comes most commonly in a shingle, clapboard and shakes style, which allows people who choose it a few unique options in terms of thickness and texture. One important thing to keep in mind is that wood siding requires routine maintenance to check for water damage and even insect damage and infestations such as termites and carpenter ants. Wood siding also may need to be painted and treated on a regular basis.

Believe it or not stucco has been used in architecture since ancient Greek and Roman times. And although it has been improved upon, the general idea of stucco remains the same. Perhaps it is the timelessness and endurance of stucco that makes it such a highly regarded option when considering the exterior of one’s home? Stucco is a mortar mixture containing among other things, cement. Resilient and versatile, stucco has a great track record when it comes to protecting the outside of your house. Make sure not to confuse stucco with synthetic stucco also known as EIFS (exterior insulation and finish systems or Dryvit). It may look the same but has a history of responding quite differently to the sometimes harsh forces of nature bombarding the exterior of your home. Frequently used on larger homes, the color options for stucco are near limitless and it pairs beautifully with a coordinating and custom colored stone veneer. The resulting look is classic and stately and defines the term curb appeal.

Stone Veneer
Stone veneer is quickly rising in the ranks of being one of the most popular choices for the exterior of one’s home. There is very little not to like about stone veneer. A home with stone not only exudes dignity but a classic beauty that can only come with a stone facade. Typically at a higher price point, stone veneer is usually paired with other exterior options like stucco and Hardie board while still maintaining the grand presence of being the feature element of the house’s exterior. A major bonus to stone veneer is the variety of stone options available. Custom colored to your specification, there is a stone shape and cut for every discerning taste. For a look that will totally transform your home, stone is one of the preferred options. If updating the exterior of your home sounds like a springtime project you would like to undertake, remember there are many options available today. Why not consider the beauty, elegance and charm of stone veneer with a complimentary pairing of Hardie board or stucco? Established in the greater Chicagoland area, North Start Stone has brought their sophisticated brand of exterior products to Libertyville, Arlington Heights, Barrington, Mount Prospect and Long Grove, just to name a few and they are excited to bring them to you.
For more information about adding stone to the exterior of your home, visit our Exterior Stone FAQ page or contact us at or call 847-996-6850 for a free estimate on your new exterior stone.